
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Conversion of UTC time to Local Time

In order to indicate that a time is measured in Universal Time (UTC), you can append a capital letter Z to a time as in 


The Z stands for the “zero meridian”, which goes through Greenwich in London, and it is also commonly used in radio communication where it is pronounced “Zulu” (the word for Z in the international radio alphabet). Universal Time (sometimes also called “Zulu Time”) was called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) before 1972, however this term should no longer be used. Since the introduction of an international atomic time scale, almost all existing civil time zones are now related to UTC, which is slightly different from the old and now unused GMT.]

So if it is required to convert UTC Time to Local time

        Calendar parseDateTime = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime("2015-03-10T07:11:30.079Z");
        Date time = parseDateTime.getTime();

that prints:

Tue Mar 10 09:11:30 EET 2015

while hour is 7 AM at Greenwich Universal Time, it is 9 AM at local.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Java Public Private Key Encryption

Following unit test simulates usage of public-private key encryption between two nodes. Basically, Client Node requests to Server Node with a public key and Server Node returns a data back to Client Node encrypted with client provided public key. This data can only be decrypted by Client Node using private key.

RSA 2048 bit encryption is used. Public Key which is byte[] is conveyed from client node to server node as Base64 encoded. Also give attention that how Public Key is reconstructed on server side from byte [].

Saturday, January 24, 2015

An Acceptance Test Diary

I had been in Sarajevo during the 19 Jan 2005 week for acceptance test of a delivery and want to share with you what I experienced during this work.

Basically, in this delivery we introduced Diameter Charging support to Telenity SMSC product. SMSC establishes TCP connection to Diameter Server and performs charging requests over this connection.
During the tests, we observed that connection is lost after each 1 minute interval and SMSC re-establishes connections. Also in tcpdump we captured to see packets, wireshark shows retransmissions of each packet, i.e. after first packet immediately in nanoseconds a second retransmitted of this packet is seen as sent below.

 As you can see packet 24 of 23, 26 of 25, 30 of 29 is shown as retransmitted.

My first impression about this connection loss was related with those retransmissions, as suggesting that somehow diameter or firewall/loadbalancer between SMSC and diameter is triggering that connection loss because those retransmissions are treated as a security issue by that firewall/loadbalancer etc. According to that suggestion, we tried to figure out reason of that retransmission issue to avoid connection loss and after consumption of hours, nothing we achieved.

And then after a during of brainstorming and discussions with other engineers and analysing the packets, we figured out that, that connection loss happens exactly after 1 minute of establishing connection (or last sent packet) by a FIN,ACK packet sent from diameter to SMSC. This FIN,ACK is an order of terminating to connection.

After exactly 1 minute of last packet 45 sent to diamater, we receive FIN, ACK from diameter at packet 46 and loosing connection, then after 2 second, we re-establishes connection.

Here is details a about connection termination with FIN,ACK.

And the only meaningful explanation of this 1 minute mystery is that: If no packet is sent during 1 minute, diameter server thinks that established connection is not healthy because it does not received any packet during 1 minute and it requests for connection termination. According to that analyse, we configured heart-beat mechanism on SMSC to send watch-dog packets to diameter at 10 sec to keep connection alive, and it worked :).

Below you can see watch dog request/answers packets 1-3, 6-8.

So my first suggestion was wrong, there were no relations between connection loss with re-transmissions.

Everything was working fine although we eliminated connection loss but could not those re-transmissions, on the other hand yet no seen side effect of, customer was asking about reason of those re-transmissions.

At my last hours of last day at Sarajevo, while discussing with customer about opening support ticket to my company for resolution of that re-transmissions issue, somehow with the help of muse, I detected that we are getting tcpdump with "-i any" interface parameter without being sure or not much thinking about meaning of that parameter or even without being aware of that parameter while executing the tcpdump command, in short we were violating the rule: "Know about what you’re doing while you’re doing it".

This is the tcpdump with any interface:

tcpdump  -vvv -i any -s 0 -w /tmp/test_charging_live_http.pcap port 8080

And then we started to recapture without "any" parameter

tcpdump -s 0 -vvv -w /tmp/charging_http.pcap host

and no retransmission!!!

Actually there were no-retransmissions all along, the first one and retranssmitted one is only same packet but since we use “–any” parameter while taking tcpdump caused recapturing packets on while passing over a second network interface. So wrongly wireshark shows that is retransmitted but actually it is the exactly same packet passing over two layers. They were not retransmitted but same packet because within IP header figure out that identification fields were the same for both packets and equals.


Here is one more link that might be useful:

Finally, we ended with no issue, it was a great experience with a lot of learnings and enjoyed trip.