
Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Nowadays, while reading Clean Code, I have realized once more that how it is important naming while coding for consistent and easy to read code, in essence clean code. Tonight, I came up with a wonder if there is any naming catalogue or pattern for mostly used in software world. Let me share where this curiosity took me into. Internet is amazing source of information :)

Searching of course is started with asking to Uncle Google with this silly search query "naming advice manager processor adapter". #1 of search result list is "". Another guy came  up with similar question to stackoverflow. It worth to look in detail.

This stackoverflow took me to a web site which gave me motivation to write this blog entry: Here you can find mostly used namigs/suffixes/prefixes etc used in software world. It is really a great reference while coding and trying to find a good, consistent, widely used names for classes, methods or fields.

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